Letter: E-mail separation anxiety? Toss messages in a folder

Then purge the oldest items in the folder every three to four weeks, a reader suggests.

In "Welles: Avoid e-mail drudgery," Judy Welles lists a lot of good suggestions. Here's another. There are a number of e-mail messages I can't quite decide what to do with. In many cases I suspect I'll never need a particular message again, yet immediately throwing it away seems to ensure I'll need it at some point. To deal with my indecision I created a "chron" folder to throw them into. I typically keep the most recent three to four weeks and periodically throw away the oldest week in the belief that the older this kind of message is, the less likely I'll need to look at it again. Tossing messages into this folder is much faster than agonizing over the keep/don't keep decision and I never recall needing something I deleted from it (which is typically three-plus weeks old at the time of its trashing).
