Letter: CHCOs should communicate more with workers

Sharing internally hinges on the desire and ability to communicate up, down and sideways and the ability to recognize talent in all its forms.

In regard to “2008 workforce plans focus on telework, recruitment,” Linda Springer and John Salamone are to be commended for the fresh thinking, support and coordination they are bringing to the federal workforce community via the Chief Human Capital Officers Council. It strikes me that the CHCOs would get additional support from a second direction -- their agency workforces -- if they would begin sharing what they're doing. I've talked to two chief learning officers who aren't in the loop -- that seems counterproductive. The word on the street is that a number of employees are waiting to be invited to help. Sharing internally hinges on the desire and ability to communicate up, down and sideways and the ability to recognize talent in all its forms. C'mon, CHCOs, you can do it!


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