Letter: OPM's suspension of telework unfair

The agency says it will reinstate telework after employees have been trained on a modernized retirement system, but one reader expects delays.

Regarding “OPM suspends telework for some of its workers,” what wasn't mentioned is that this new system is not ready to go live in February 2008; that when it does go live, it will only process about 10 percent of our current retirement case load; that OPM has changed its mind about training 228 employees on the new system in December to training only 25 to 50 employees -- whenever the Retirement System Modernization is ready. There hasn't been a problem with personally identifiable information being lost in the past. This blanket suspension of telework is unfair and unnecessary. This $290 million RSM system is not working. It's not ready for employees to be trained on and so we all sit in here every day waiting for RSM to come. Why not wait to pull us off telework once the system is ready for training and delivery?


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