VA renews QuadraMed health data contract

The agency will continue using QuadraMed's encoder software to help with managing health information and billing and compliance workflow.

For help with managing health information and billing and compliance workflow, the Veterans Affairs Department awarded QuadraMed a $21.8 million task order under its existing blanket purchase agreement. Under the contract, VA renews the license for the company’s encoder software and related training for all its medical centers during fiscal 2008. Health information management and billing departments at VA medical centers have used these QuadraMed products since 2005. The software integrates with VA’s VistA clinical record system to provide inpatient and outpatient coding, compliance, claims editing and revenue cycle management. QuadraMed’s software helps VA medical centers manage and contain the cost of care through:

  • Increased data integrity and productivity using coding wizards, real-time compliance monitoring, and customizable billing and coding edits.

  • Electronic work assignment.

  • Customizable reporting for inpatient and outpatient encounters.

  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Uniform Bill claims scrubber.

  • Communication tools that support interdepartmental efficiency.