FCW Insider: Clinton talks blogs on Meet the Press

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) was on NBC's Meet the Press this morning -- the first time she has agreed to sit down for the full hour. I'm not sure why she dodged it for so long because she did well. Watch for yourself at or read the transcript . The only part of the interview related to our stuff was in response to questions for how she would deal with : The transparency and openness is admirable, of course, but still still keeps campaigning on the cutting government contractors. If she wins, I guess we'll be seeing many more blogs. Unfortunately, I think real openness requires more then just blogs.



SEN. CLINTON: Yes. Yes. Well, number one, I want to have a much more transparent government, and I think we now have the tools to make that happen. You know, I said the other night at an event in New Hampshire, I want to have as much information about the way our government operates on the Internet so the people who pay for it, the taxpayers of America, can see that. I want to be sure that, you know, we actually have like agency blogs. I want people in all the government agencies to be communicating with people, you know, because for me, we're now in an era--which didn't exist before--where you can have instant access to information, and I want to see my government be more transparent. I want to make sure that we limit, if we can't eliminate all the no-bid contracts, the cronyism, I want to cut 500,000 government contractors.