Letter: NSPS will never work

A reader says that if the government wants an evaluation system that works, it should adapt the Army’s approach.

Regarding “DOD adjusts to new pay rules”: I think it’s the biggest farce on the planet — the premise of pay for performance has never worked and never will. Employees have not nor ever will be rewarded for how they perform. Such systems are designed to reward the people you know and like, and this one is no different.

My recommendation is to get rid of this big lie — that’s all it is.

We spent so much manpower and so many hours getting the National Security Personnel System up and running it is unreal. If they really wanted an evaluation system that works, they should have modified the evaluation system used by Army officers.  That system works, and it’s only three pages long — not 20 pages of BS and the broken system that NSPS operates on.

I could go on with things that should be changed if they really want NSPS to work.


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