Letter: The reality of the clearance backlog

People need to understand the impact that the security clearance backlog is having on individual lives, writes one reader.

Regarding "Bush wants a security clearance reform plan by April 30": I’m curious to see an article on the affects these delays have on people? I mean the serious effects, not just the inconveniences. I’ve been in limbo waiting on a clearance adjudication since 2005. I can't leave my current location, I’m stranded overseas, and I have a mother with MS whose condition is rapidly deteriorating. Because of clearance hold ups, I’m stuck.

My situation is known but nobody has really done anything about it. Supervisors and higher headquarters all have done nothing, and now are even refusing to check the status of things for me.

Where is the voice or article about people like me? I can't even get a new job until this is resolved.
