Letter: Feds spend more time training than working

I swear that between training, conferences, meeting and their generous vacation, federal employees are present for their actual jobs about 50 percent of the year max.

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Regarding "Partnership for Public Service creates leadership institute for innovation," a reader writes: The last thing government employees need is more time in a classroom. Where does it end? I swear that between training, conferences, meeting and their generous vacation, federal employees are present for their actual jobs about 50 percent of the year max. They are the most "trained" body of people on the planet? Does it help or hurt, really?  This is typical of a recording on federal employee phone service: "Today is Monday, February 18th. I will be in training this week, on vacation next week, and at a conference until Wednesday, March 5th..." It gets riduculous.  And of course that recording will play until about the 23rd of March.  Here's another common experience for those of us in routine contact with a fed: "...in my absence call Bob Smith or Mary Jones..."  You call Bob and Mary. They are at the same training. And their recording suggests you call the other two.

