Letter: Telework programs need leaders with vision

Many are put in positions because they were next in line and/or with little or no management and leadership experience/education.

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Regarding "Lawmakers push telework as overall participation drops," a reader writes: You are never going to get maximum participation in this because many managers and leaders are not visionaries. Many managers and leaders are not true leaders. Many are put in positions because they
were next in line and/or with little or no management and leadership experience/education. This, then, brings about a lack of confidence in their positions ergo micromanagment ergo no telecommuting. I am pretty sure I have hit the nail on the head on this one.

You will never get an increase in this program unless it is made mandatory and then [you] have to ID what career fields must be afforded telecommuting [options].

So until that is done -- it's just nice fluff on paper with no real value.

