Letter: Better integration of employees will help government stay competitive

A reader writes about the disorganization of federal workers' first day on the job.

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Regarding "Report: 'Onboarding' helps retain employees": My entire career was in federal HR. The Day 1 experience of most new federal employees is miserable!  They must complete a ton of largely duplicative paperwork on their first day and then show up in their new managers office and...surprise...there in no available cube or phone or computer, etc.  "You couldn't get a user ID and password anyway because you have to complete security training and the first available slot is in two weeks." 

[Office of Personnel Management] published a spec for an EOD system capability in 1/2007 and a few companies like Monster and Northrop Grumman are developing EODs that match that spec.  THANK HEAVENS!  Now, the government might be in a better position to compete.

