Letter: Feds need technical expertise, clear boundaries in contracting

A reader writes that the government employee should have "more control of operational issues" when working with contractors.

Regarding "Official urges less reliance on contractors": As a federal employee working at an agency where 80 - 90 percent of the work is performed by contractors, I could not agree more with Mr. Levine's statements.  The role of the contractor has been allowed to grow to the point where it is hard to discern one from the other.  We have to remember the contractor is in this for a profit and their first concern is their stockholders and not the taxpayer.  Many times the government employee is hamstrung by the wording in the contract because too much control has been given to the contractor. 

Government employees should have technical expertise in the area they are responsible for and more control of operational issues. The boundaries definitely need to be better defined.


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