Letter: Kost knowledgeable on transitions, IT governance

A reader says chief information officers can learn a lot from John Kost about good IT governance and surviving transitions.

Regarding "New administration? Hide your IT projects": John Kost has a rich body of knowledge and experience that can be very valuable to a career executive seeking advice about surviving transition. This article reflected very little of that. To reduce this advice to "hide your projects" reminds me of the behavior of the chameleon in Eddie Murphy's "Dr. Doolittle" when trying to blend into the background. "... maybe if I don't move, no one will see me ..."

As Kost has said many times, good CIOs need to focus on alignment. The business strategy aligns with the political strategy. And the IT strategy needs to align to the business strategy. All of this is the role of good governance. And good CIOs need to execute good IT governance.

This is what Kost *has* said and should have said to us poor struggling, concerned CIOs seeking to do the right thing during times of ambiguity.


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