Agencies doing well with telecom transition

The Government Accountability Office reports that some agencies have been following sound transition practices as they move from the FTS 2001 contract to the new Networx vehicle

Some agencies have been following sound transition practices as they move their telecommunications and network services from the FTS 2001 contract to the new Networx vehicle, according to the Government Accountability Office.In a report released July 28, GAO said the agencies do have some shortcomings in their transition efforts, but are performing well overall. The General Services Administration, which manages the Networx program, has been effective at identifying and resolving challenges, GAO found.The GAO assessment covers only some agencies -- the Homeland Security, Commerce and Agriculture departments; the Small Business Administration; the Army Corps of Engineers; and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.The sound practices that GAO had earlier recommended and the agencies are generally maintaining include establishing their starting inventories and developing transition plans that include specific preparation tasks and timelines.However, GAO said some are falling short in specific areas. For example, Commerce does not have a plan that identifies all of the key transition roles and responsibilities. DHS does not plan to identify local and regional points of contact, and NRC does not plan to establish measures of success.GAO recommended those agencies reconsider complying with the practices.