Letter: Challenges in business management and IT collaborations

A reader writes, "IT people are resistant to including the business aspects in what they see as their domain, ie. architecture."

Regarding "Enterprise architects talk the business talk":  The article is good and heading in the right direction.

One of the main issues I experience is that IT people are resistant to including the business aspects in what they see as their domain, ie. architecture.

They still see a wall between the business and IT and the two major challenges are: getting the business people to provide very specific nonchanging requirements (and not question the IT result), and trying to align IT to the business.

There is lots more to business solutions than IT, but the IT folk don't see the other parts, just the code they have to write and the operations they have to run.

Having said that, there still is a challenge in proving value of architecture to the board of directors and the whole management team, and that is made more difficult by the symptoms identified in this article.

A good piece of work.

Greg Fox

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