Reader comment roundup: Sole-source awards, Thrift Savings Plan, NSPS and more topics

Find out what the buzz is among our readers. Check out this week's roundup of readers' comments.

Regarding "Skinner: TSA cut corners on sole-source awards": "In the best interest of the agency" is the biggest lie since "the check is in the mail." It almost always means someone is too lazy, too stupid, or too crooked to really compete a contract. I'd say 999,999 times out of a million, somebody is getting paid off.


Regarding "Some participants protest new Thrift Savings Plan policy": I'm one of the 549 frequent traders that disregarded the new policy in February and I made 12 percent profit to date while others are feeling the impacts of being stuck in a market that's volatile.... (-13% currently).

They have impeded me from making more in June (twice I made 2 percent for my friend's IRA that allows frequent trades).

Michael Steinback

Regarding "
Unions say NSPS rules could hurt DOD employees": Very good article on the [
National Security Personnel System] rules and problems the rules have created in management and promotion, as well as hiring federal employees.  All those I know who are under this system now do not like any part of it.

Keep up the great reporting work!


Regarding "Navy takes EA concept to heart":  I'm pretty sure the [Government Accountability Office] views a "federated enterprise architecture" as an oxymoron and will therefore disapprove of what the Navy is doing.  That's certainly how the GAO has responded to the Business Transformation Agency's development and use of a "federated enterprise architecture."
But what does the GAO know about running the Navy, right? (Nothing actually — so go to it, Navy...)

Christopher Hanks

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