Energy IG finds flaws in DOE IT security

The weaknesses affect systems that store classified national security information, an audit has found.

The Energy Department's efforts to protect information systems that contain national security information are falling short, the department's inspector general has found.In released recently, the IG reported weaknesses in five of the six facilities included in the audit. The review is the latest of several the IG has conducted of the department's certification and accreditation process.Specifically, the IG found that:DOE managers agreed with two of the IG's recommendations and disagreed with the other two.

an audit report

  • At five of the six facilities audited, security plans did not addres risks such as classified and unclassified systems operating in the same environment.

  • In many cases, department officials were not approving security plans and changes to systems.

  • In some cases, the plans did not accurately reflect the environment they pertained to.

  • Five of the six sites did not have contingency plans for handling service disruptions to national security information systems.