Letter: Nice employee vs. Competent employee

The reader notes that mediocrity in government develops as doing favors for one another produces a "buddy" system to help get promotions.

Regarding "Editorial: Encouraging mediocrity":I think this editorial also shows why there is mediocrity in the federal government. The author just thinks these two people would have been good for the job, but maybe they really weren't. The mind-set of giving people positions just because they are nice people and friends is also true here in the field, where the real work is done.

We are an IT organization, but have managers who can't navigate to a page that they should be looking at. They don't have to be computer geeks, but they should be somewhat computer literate. But because they did something nice for somebody, they get passed on while the better manager candidate gets their morale lowered and just looks forward to another job or retirement. The whole concept of working for the betterment of what we work for needs to become the focal point for everyone involved in the federal government.

Sen. Grassley should not hold anything up to satisfy his own agenda and someone needs to point that out. Either do his job or quit. But I am also sure the two people mentioned are in some kind of "buddy" system and are just being replaced by the next "buddy" system. I can't have sympathy for them.


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