Letter: Senator's report is full of sound and fury

A reader says Sen. Tom Coburn should compare feds' productivity to the amount of time elected officials spend on activities that don't serve the public.

Regarding "Senator: Fed workers miss millions of hours": Congratulations, senator, on uncovering a conspiracy that averages out to 1.05 hours per federal employee per year. Wow - what a scoop!

When compared to the amount of time members of Congress spend fundraising and producing headline-seeking reports versus the time they spend actually performing duties for the country...well, you get my point.

Congratulations, senator, on spending time and money on a report that will probably garner you a few headlines but frankly evokes the line from "Macbeth" about "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Not that I have an opinion.

Mark Amtower
Amtower and Co.

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