Letter: TWIC card delayed by technology

Reader writes about not getting a Transportation Workers Identification Credential when fingerprinting technology malfunctions.

Regarding "Panel finds TWIC riddled with problems": I applied and paid $132.50 for my [Transportation Workers Identification Credential] application in Portland, Ore. on March 17, 2008. I was told that I could pick up my card in 4-6 weeks.

I waited two months and was told my card was ready. I went back in in May and when they tried to take my fingerprints, the electronic fingerprint machine could not take my fingerprints. We tried about 80 times.

They finally said there was nothing they could do and sent me out of there with no card. There is nothing wrong with my fingerprints. I am registered with the FBI and the State of Washington for a concealed weapons permit and with the U.S. Coast Guard with a Master's License. I have tried to get information on their websites but they are "down" and not available. I asked them earlier to get my fingerprints from the FBI but they said they could not get them from another agency so I sit $132.50 broker with no card.

Bill Landsborough

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