More letters regarding Palin e-mail messages

Readers offer their views of Gov. Palin's use of private e-mail account.

Regarding "Questions arise about Palin e-mail secrecy"

Big Brother?
Looks like a "Big Brother" conspiracy to me. Soften us here to get us there later. Communism failed a long time ago. Do we want to allow our democracy to be eroded…even further?

William H. Devereaux III

FCW should stay out of politics
[I] suggest FCW stay out of politics [and] stick with articles not politically motivated.


Personal e-mail is personal
This can go both ways. I am pretty sure "official" business is routed through the right channels when it becomes official.

What is wrong with having your own private e-mail just to communicate? You can relax and just talk to friends. Work may come up, but it is secondary probably to the conversation of getting together after church on Sunday or taking a shopping trip.

The opponents would probably be critical of nonbusiness e-mail, on the official government network.
Politicians are people, too. I would not want the world to read all of my e-mails to my friends. It is not top secret, but personal.


Privacy is reasonable

I thought everyone was presumed innocent until proven guilty?
Is their some evidence?
Everyone is entitled to a private life where it is common to use another e-mail account.
