Letter: DOD personnel system not fair for all

Readers write about the problems in the Defense Department's system as the agency makes final rules.

Regarding  "DOD finalizes personnel system rules": QUESTION: Will the NSPS system be exempting the Selective Executive Service (SES) corp and their Schedule Cs?

I ask because every time I've asked this question of the HR powers that be at the various agencies that I've been employed, i.e., FEMA HQs, Dept. of Commerce and at DLA, I've been slighted with a half-assed answer that makes no committment to the exemption of 'pay-for-performance' toward a politically coddled group of employees.

I know that the Schedule Cs are federal employees that have received their positions through political preferences. So, I've continually been opposed to the Schedule Cs and their bosses, the SESers inclusiveness into the NSPS system.

Afterall, we know that any monies the purseman / bursar may have will be emptied out at the top levels before reaching the grunt workers, support services and the entire federal career force.


Another reader writes regarding  "DOD finalizes personnel system rules": I assume there was no change in the discriminatory action that allows management not to do a payout for employees who work a full year through September 30, are on board through the end of the year, but are denied the payout/bonus?

I'm surprised there was not a huge uproar over this.
