Get a Life!: Party time?

Blogger Judy Welles asks how government agency holiday celebrations are being affected by the current economic climate.

Many corporations and business are scaling back on holiday parties this year because of the economy. As parties cost money and can affect a bottom line, especially for small businesses, the cutbacks are understandable. But what about government agencies?  

For government agencies, there is no budget for parties, although sometimes festivity is permitted associated with award recognition. Home-baked goodies or staff contributions are often the way party funds are raised.  Many offices plan holiday gatherings of one kind or another, ranging from cookies with the agency head to office potlucks or group lunches at nearby restaurants.  

Some members may not like to socialize with office mates and do not join in office parties. It’s not unusual for some office members to question giving money for food or Secret Santas when the money could go to any number of nonprofit needs. This holiday time, after all, is a time of giving.  

In some ways, there is reason to celebrate this year, not the least of which is to breathe a sigh of relief that we got through it. Also, spending right now is supposed to help, not hurt, the economy -- although the same may not be said for your wallet.  

Still, parties can be good ways to refresh and regroup.  Depending on the group and location, parties can also offer networking opportunity. Even with parties, there can still be special efforts made for those who need help, too.

Has your office changed course this year on holiday parties, or do you think it should?