Letter: Praising Lorentz piece

A reader writes to say he hopes the article by Norm Lorentz, OMB's first chief information officer, is given attention.

Right on Norm [Lorentz]. I could not have said it any better myself.

Another measure should include someone who is a risk taker and not afraid to challenge the status quo. Given the huge challenges facing this adminstration, [President-elect Barack] Obama must finds someone willing to break a few eggs and with a history of challenging the status quo to get things done.

Technology also must be viewed as a tool for achieving significant outcomes. Too many chief information offercers viewed their job as "having the latest technology." The chief technology officer must also be willing to look beyond our tradition federal system integrators who often run over the innovators and make little investment in capturing real world best practices. With all major government information technology acquisition programs failing above 70 percent, we must embrace new methods and public interest groups as suggested in the E-Gov Act and Center for Strategic and International Studies'  just-released report on cybersecurity.

Again, well said. Hope there is someone out there listening who can make a difference.

John Weiler
Interop. Clearinghouse

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