The Lectern: The spirit of the season this year

Blogger Steve Kelman sees a different holiday spirit taking shape because of the economic turmoil.

I was talking recently with my old friend Bob Lam from Accenture, and mentioning that, with the economy being what it is, I had asked my family to skip holiday presents this year -- frankly, there's nothing I really need, I've told them. (I guess I will be getting a few books.) Bob mentioned that Lisa Mascolo and her husband Todd Singleton, two senior executives in Accenture's public-sector practice, had decided to cancel the annual Christmas party they hold at their home for Accenture employees and other friends, and give the money the party would cost to local food banks instead.

Lisa's and Todd's example is something we all should be thinking about.. My wife has made a similar point -- for whatever economic problems most of us have, we need to remember that the hard times means a lot more people living on the margin. She has asked that we up our donations this year to organizations that provide help to the needy. Despite my deep-seated frugality (probably it's no coincidence I gravitated towards contracting), I have to admit she's right, so we're going to do as she suggests. (I need to confess, lest this sound misleadingly virtuous, that this will probably be at the expense of donations to other kinds of organizations.)

A thought in the middle of this holiday season.....

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