Get a Life!: Paid time off

Comments show that paid time off is on the minds of federal workers, writes blogger Judy Welles.

Paid time off seems to be on the minds of some federal workers in response to my recent blog entry on work life. 

The U.S., after all, is one of few developed countries that does not offer paid maternity leave, and legislation to extend that benefit to the federal government languishes.

Federal employees planning families need to plan for use of annual and sick leave when a baby arrives. Donated leave by co-workers can also help.

Another commenter on this blog pointed out that the U.S. is also one of few Western countries that doesn’t guarantee at least four weeks of vacation a year. In the federal government, more time off for vacations comes only after many years of accrued annual leave. That has an adverse effect on younger, newer employees.  

Still, the outlook for new federal benefits is dim in a time of a growing federal deficit.  In the current economy, jobs and performance remain uppermost. 

On the subject of performance, nominations for the Partnership for Public Service’s 2009 Service to America medals are now open. The medals recognize eight outstanding federal workers for their contributions.  They include cash prizes of $3,000 to $10,000. Nominations can be submitted online ( through Feb. 27.