Facebook becomes channel of choice for feds to announce moves

Will Facebook and other social media tools eclipse traditional newspaper announcements for hirings, retirements and weddings?

Anne Armstrong, publisher and president of 1105 Government Information Group, passed on this observation. Look for Anne's blog to debut soon.

Interesting that Facebook is evolving as the channel of choice for announcements of comings and goings.

In the past, I always looked to the Washington Post to see who was in a new job, but that section has been gutted. The Washington Business Journal still has a pretty good people section, as does Potomac Tech Wire, but more and more people are cutting out the middleman and doing their own announcements.

John Johnson announced on Facebook that he was going to Deepwater Consulting, and just yesterday Kelly Olson announced she was leaving IAC after more than five years to join Joanne Connelly at ConnellyWorks.

Wonder how this is going to affect the wedding announcements in the Sunday New York Times. We do have the Joanne Connelly/Bob Suda wedding debut on Facebook as a model.

NEXT STORY: GSA nominee lays out reform plans