GSA sponsors online dialogue for feedback about

The General Services Administration has set up an online dialogue to collect comments from the public on improving the Web site.

The public has 10 more days to submit ideas on improving the Web site via an online dialogue hosted by the General Services Administration’s Office of Citizen Services.

Hundreds of visitors have viewed or posted online comments in the Your Voice Matters dialogue in sections headed “What do you think of” and “Would you use a personal account on” among others. As of today, the first question had drawn 850 visitors and the second, 62 visitors.

Many of the respondents have offered detailed comments, such as suggesting a single portal for all government information or improved access for people with disabilities. Other visitors are from other countries, including Iran, Kenya and Australia.

“Now, with this online dialogue tool, the public can more fully participate in's re-design and development that will allow GSA’s Office of Citizen Services to better shape the Website in response to posted ideas and comments,” David McClure, associate administrator for citizen services and communications at the GSA, said in a statement posted on the White House blog today.

The dialogue is meant to support the Obama Administration’s Open Government Initiative to foster greater transparency and accountability in government, McClure said. Last month, President Obama also released an Open Government Directive.

The comment period expires Jan. 15