IT at the heart of green efforts

Green doesn't only refer to the environment. In the information technology world, it also refers to saving money and resources by lowering energy costs.

Green doesn't only refer to the environment. In the information technology world, it also refers to saving money and resources by lowering energy costs.

Nearly all of the companies that participated in Symantec's 2009 Green IT Survey — 97 percent — are developing strategies for going green. Most of them are doing so to cut energy costs and comply with corporate mandates to reduce carbon emissions.

Do you have or plan to have a green IT strategy or other initiatives to reduce energy consumption?

No, and no plans to do so: 4%
No, but we are discussing it: 14%
We are creating such a plan: 47%
We have a plan but are revising it: 28%
We have a plan and are not revising it: 6%

Is your budget for green IT initiatives increasing or decreasing in the next 12 months?

Increasing by more than 10%: 19%
Increasing by 6% to 10%: 33%
Increasing by 1% to 5%: 21%
Staying the same: 18%
Decreasing by 1% to 5%: 3%
Decreasing by 6% to 10%: 2%
Decreasing by more than 10%: 3%

How important do you think an IT product's energy efficiency will be in your purchasing decision?

Very important: 48%
Important: 41%
Neutral: 10%
Not that important: 0%
Not at all important: 0%

How significant is the role IT should play in minimizing your organization's environmental footprint?

Extremely significant: 37%
Very significant: 52%
Neutral: 9%
Not that significant: 1%
Not at all significant: 0%

Source: Symantec 2009 Green IT Survey

NEXT STORY: Government 2.0, meet Citizen 2.0