Federal 100: George Schindler

George Schindler
CGI Federal

Schindler advanced corporate social responsibility in the federal information technology community last year by promoting volunteerism and job creation in rural areas.

His leadership of the Catalogue for Philanthropy of Greater Washington led to the launch of a Web portal for corporate giving. He committed more than 800 pro bono hours to the effort in a six-month period. At CGI, he spearheaded the creation of about 100 software engineering positions in an economically disadvantaged area of southwest Virginia. He also found time to serve on the boards of TechAmerica and the Professional Services Council.

Stan Soloway, president and chief executive officer of the Professional Services Council, lauded Schindler for leading CGI’s “work on corporate social responsibility and corporate engagement in the broader nonprofit and service community.”

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.

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