Federal 100: Linda Travers

Linda Travers
Acting Chief Information Officer, Office of Environmental Information
Environmental Protection Agency

At the Obama administration’s request, Travers developed a system for tracking the 400,000 projects slated for funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. She led the effort to create a prototype system in just four months. The resulting FederalReporting.gov site logged reports from more than 112,000 recipients in its first week.

She also oversaw the launch and growth of Data.gov, led efforts to continuously improve Regulations.gov, and played a key role in the initiative to expand and modernize public participation in federal rulemaking.

Travers "has consistently been a critical force for innovation and change within EPA and across the federal government," said Lena Trudeau, vice president of the National Academy of Public Administration.

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.

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