Federal 100: Natalie Zuech

Natalie Zuech
Management and Program Analyst
Internal Revenue Service

Zuech led the project management team that created a way to share data between the Education Department and the Internal Revenue Service. Now students can click on an embedded link in online student aid applications to receive relevant federal tax information.

Zuech was instrumental in creating a detailed schedule for the project’s elements and developing interagency agreements to enable its completion on schedule.

"This was a game-changing project," said Gina Garza, associate chief information officer for applications development at the IRS. "The demands of the project challenged every aspect of how we manage, integrate and deliver projects in a secure environment. Natalie broke through all the barriers to deliver this project on time. It was an awesome accomplishment."

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.

NEXT STORY: OPM wants more teleworking