What's on Sonya Thompson's bookshelf?

The deputy assistant director/chief information officer of the Federal Bureau of Prisons shares her current favorites.

The deputy assistant director/chief information officer of  the Federal Bureau of Prisons shares her current favorites.

1. "The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader"   By John C. Maxwell
Helps me stay focused on my organization's most important assets: my staff.

2. "Duplicate Effort" By Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Because reading sci-fi is a required vice of geeks.

3. "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Titan's Curse" By Rick Riordan
The sign of a great children's book is that it appeals to all audiences and ages.

4. "The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine" By Michael Lewis
So I can learn how once again I missed a money-making opportunity.

5. "The Anodyne Necklace" By Martha Grimes
Nothing goes better with tea and scones on a lazy Saturday morning than a classic British detective mystery.

6. Bookshelf theblogonthebookshelf.blogspot.com
Essential blog for book lovers who care just as much about the display of their books as they do the books themselves.

Editor's Note: Thompson is a contributor to a new blog on FCW.com, "CIO Corner," which debuts on April 9.