Wennergren takes on task of closing BTA

Dave Wennergren, DOD's assistant deputy chief management officer, will also serve as director of the soon-to-be defunct Business Transformation Agency.

David Wennergren, the assistant deputy chief management officer at the Defense Department, is taking on a second job, filling in as the director of DOD's Business Transformation Agency. 

Wennergren will be leading the effort to shut down BTA and transfer its functions to other agencies, including the Defense Logistics Agency and the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer. The goal is to complete the task by June 30, 2011, according to the department.  Defense Secretary Robert Gates proposed eliminating the agency as part his plan to trim DOD's budget.

Wennergren replaces David Fisher, who recently was named chief administrative officer and chief financial officer at the Government Accountability Office.

NEXT STORY: Unions blast furlough proposal