Shutdown Watch: Employee furlough FAQ; GOP says 'no deal' on budget

Obama, lawmakers try to hammer out budget; shutdown clock still ticking.

House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) office said that a compromise on the fiscal 2011 budget was not reached during talks at the White House April 5, The Hill Reports.

With government funding set to expire April 8, senior administration officials are instructing agency leaders to begin sharing details of shutdown contingency plans with federal managers, The Washington Post reports.

House Republicans introduced another short-term bill to keep the government running through April 15, but President Barack Obama said that he is no longer willing to accept temporary budget measures, according to The New York Times. Obama said he will continue to hold meetings with lawmakers until a final deal is reached.

Federal employees seeking more information about the impact of a government shutdown should check out the Partnership for Public Service’s government shutdown and employee furlough FAQs.

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