Federal 100: Robert J. Osborn

Robert J. Osborn
Associate Administrator for Information Management and CIO
National Nuclear Security Administration
Energy Department

The work: Directed the NNSA Network Vision (2NV), a cyber network upgrade that revolutionized the internal work environment by providing a secure, mobile IT infrastructure.

The impact: By removing barriers to employee collaboration, Osborn improved NNSA’s performance while ensuring that U.S. nuclear weapons data and research remain protected.

The nuts and bolts: At the same time he was developing 2NV, Osborn began working with others at DOE to create the Joint Cybersecurity Coordination Center, which brings together three organizations involved in detecting and responding to security events. The two initiatives, working hand in hand, will improve the efficiency and security of DOE’s IT operations.

Read more about the 2012 Federal 100 award winners.

NEXT STORY: FBI CIO plans to step down