The 50 most-mentioned agencies on Twitter

Twitter mentions have become an important measure of prominence and importance -- or notoriety -- for organizations. Find out which government institutions are mentioned most often in our list.

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Twitter has quickly evolved from a social media novelty to a valuable tool for discussion and engagement.  This list details which federal agencies have drawn the most "@ mentions" on Twitter over the past 12 months.

The data below was compiled by OhMyGov, a media & technology firm that specializes in providing advanced media intelligence for government agencies, congressional offices, lobbyists, and businesses working with government.  Please note that for many agencies, mentions for multiple Twitter accounts were combined to provide a better sense of total reach.  All counts are as of Aug. 31, 2012.

(Also see: Agencies with the most followers on Twitter.)

Agency # mentions Accounts
1 The White House 1,557,745 @whitehouse, @jesseclee44, @lascasablanca, @macon44, @presssec, @WHLive
2 State Department 1,283,436 @ConnectStateGov, @dipnote, @StateDept, @travelgov, @USEmbassyBern, @USEmbassyCyprus, @usembassy_nz, @vsfsAtState
3 Securities and Exchange Commission 1,150,409 @sec_investor_ed, @SEC_Jobs, @SEC_News
4 Department of Defense 1,112,969 @DeptofDefense, @DoDSpokesman, @AFPS_Articles, @ArmedwScience, @DoDLiveMil
5 Internal Revenue Service 1,027,788 @CarolinaTaxGuy, @irsnews, @JennyIRS, @JodieIRS, @raphyIRS, @RecruitmentIRS
6 Environmental Protection Agency 1,023,857 @AIRNow, @energystarbldgs, @energystarhomes, @epaairmarkets, @EPAburnwise, @EPAcleanuptech, @epacolumbia, @epaespanol, @epagov, @EPAgreenbldg, @epaiaplus, @EPAjobs, @epalive, @epanewengland, @epanews, @eparesearch, @EPAsmartgrowth, @epawater, @EPAwatersense, @epaweb, @greenversations, @lisapjackson, @ENERGYSTAR
7 Transportation Security Administration 977,555 @TSABlogTeam
8 NASA 949,669 @NASA
9 Food and Drug Administration 943,845 @FDAanimalhealth, @fdacber, @FDAcdrhIndustry, @FDADeviceInfo @fda_drug_info, @FDAMedWatch, @FDArecalls, @FDATobacco, @FDAWomen, @US_FDA
10 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 824,446 @CDCActEarly, @CDC_BioSense, @CDC_Cancer, @cdc_ehealth, @CDCEMERGENCY, @CDCflu, @CDCgov, @CDCGreenHealthy, @cdchep, @CDCMMWR, @CDCSTD, @CDCTobaccofree
11 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) 680,636 @usmc
12 Department of the Interior (DOI) 674,016 @Interior, @usinteriorjobs
13 Department of Energy (DOE) 659,910 @ENERGY, @solar_decathlon
14 Office of the Vice President 615,267 @VP
15 Geological Survey (USGS) 530,242 @nationalatlas, @USGS, @USGSAquaticLife, @usgs_click, @usgs_co, @USGSenergy, @USGS_Ethics, @USGS_Idaho, @usgs_kentucky, @usgs_lcat, @USGSLive, @USGSNeb, @usgsnhd, @_usgsnsmp, @USGS_OR, @USGSPodcasts, @USGS_SpecEider, @usgsstore, @USGSted, @USGSTNMRes
16 U.S. Army 520,672 @usarmy
17 National Science Foundation (NSF) 423,312 @NSF
18 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 402,641 @FCC
19 Department of Agriculture (USDA) 395,567 @MyPlate, @peoplesgarden, @RuralTour, @ScienceAtUSDA @USDA, @USDAFoodSafe_es, @USDAFoodSafety, @USDAForeignAg, @usdafsa @USDAnutrition, @biopreferred @USDA_APHIS, @USDA_ERS @usdagov
20 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 350,637 @wwwICEgov
21 General Services Administration (GSA) 334,428 @fas_outreach, @GSA_FEDSIM, @GSA_ITS, @GSAIWAC, @GSAosbu, @gsapbsIRD, @GSAR4CAR, @gsar6smallbiz, @gsaregion5, @GSASBGWAC, @usgsa, @US_GSAR2, @US_GSAR4, @US_GSAR9, @GSAtravelpolicy
22 U.S. Navy 306,184 @navynews, @usnavy
23 DEFENSE MEDIA ACTIVITY (DMA) 301,029 @DeptofDefense, @DoDSpokesman, @AFPS_Articles, @ArmedwScience, @DoDLiveMil
24 U.S. Customs and Border Protection 297,499 @customsborder
25 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) 296,578 @healthcaregov, @phegov, @AIDSgov, @flugov, @foodsafetyesp, @foodsafetygov, @girlshealth, @healthfinder, @hhsgov, @ikngov, @ONC_HealthIT @opa1, @womenshealth
26 288,459 @GobiernoUSA, @GoUSAgov, @USAgov
27 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 277,334 @FTC
28 National Guard (NG) 249,606 @TheNatlGuard
29 Navy Seals 231,430 @us_navyseals
30 Voice of America (VOA) 209,933 @voa_news
31 Smithsonian Institution (SI) 206,719 @smithsonian, @SmithsonianJobs
32 West Point 197,701 @WestPointNews, @WestPoint_USMA, @WPAOG
33 Department of Justice (DOJ) 196,463 @TheJusticeDept
34 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 190,459 @cmsgov
35 Department of Education (ED) 190,184 @arneduncan, @ED_Outreach, @edpartners, @EDPressSec, @FreeResources, @OfficeofEdTech, @teachgov, @usedgov
36 National Library of Medicine 188,091 @aidsinfo, @medlineplus4you, @ncbi, @ncbi_pubmed, @NLMGlobalHealth, @nlm_harrypotter @NLM_LHC, @nlm_newsroom, @NLM_SIS, @WomensHealthNIH
37 National Weather Service (NWS) 176,425 @JackatNWS, @NHC_Atlantic, @NWSNorman
38 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) 175,998 @cfpb
39 U.S. Coast Guard 175,996 @Amver, @BoatingCampaign, @cgchealy, @cges, @Flotilla1105, @Flotilla4, @forcecompao, @GloucesterAUX64, @iCommandantUSCG, @uscgaux, @USCGAUXD8CR, @USCG_AWW, @uscoastguard
40 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 164,921 @DHSJournal, @dhsscitech, @NTASAlerts, @ReadydotGov
41 U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) 164,524 @usaid, @RajShah
42 Bureau of the Census 161,813 @uscensusbureau
43 U.S. Air Force 147,164 @afpaa, @airforcenews, @usafpressdesk, @usairforce
44 Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) 115,056 @cftc
45 Peace Corps (PC) 94,703 @PeaceCorps
46 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) 94,005 @DeptVetAffairs
47 Forest Service (FS) 72,119 @USFSSouthwest, @forestservice
48 Radio and TV Marti (Espanol) 70,326 @martinoticias
49 Endangered Species Committee (ESC) 61,952 @USFWSEndsp
50 National Institutes of Health (NIH) 58,036 @NCIExhibits, @NIEHS, @NIHClinicalCntr, @NIHconsensus, @NIHforFunding, @NIHforHealth, @NIHforJobs, @nihlib, @NIH_LRP, @nih_nhlbi, @NIH_ODS, @NIHPtRecruit, @NIHSciEd, @NIHWALS, @ORDR, @WomensHealthNIH