PSC calls Saull

Bradley Saull comes to the Professional Services Council from a senior staff position with the House Homeland Security Committee.

Bradley Saull, former senior staff for the House of Homeland Security Committee.

Hill staffer Bradley Saull is joining the Professional Services Council as a vice president. (Image: Bradley Saull / LinkedIn)

Bradley Saull, a senior staffer on the House Homeland Security Committee, is joining the Professional Services Council as vice president, handling issues facing civilian federal government agencies.

Saull joins the PSC on July 6.

On the Hill, Saull has served as management advisor on Department of Homeland Security issues for the Homeland Security Committee since 2013. He worked in the federal government from 2004 to 2007, at the Department of Justice and at DHS. He has also worked as a consultant at Deloitte.

In his newly created PSC post, Saull will serve as lead staffer for the Civilian Agencies Council, which focuses on issues facing DHS, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other federal agencies. The PSC is composed of a board of industry CEOS and other leaders from across the professional services and IT sectors.