
House Dems want paid parental leave benefit to apply retroactively

Letting new parents take time off would alleviate coronavirus-related concerns, members stated in a May 8 letter to leadership.


House bill would protect unused leave during COVID-19

A bill from Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D-Va.) would make sure that feds won't forfeit unused annual leave.


Attracting today's students to careers in public service remains a problem

A new report sets an ambitious goal of revising the public sector workforce by 2031, but engagement remains a sticking point.


SSA delays contract articles amid union lawsuit

The move comes as administrative law judges for the Social Security Administration sue the Federal Services Impasse Panel over their contract rulings.


House Homeland Dems want to help TSA workers in next COVID-19 relief package

Survivor benefits and health insurance premiums are expected to be covered in future legislation.


Feds caught up in Trump's meat processing order

The executive order declaring meat processing plants as critical infrastructure means that federal food inspectors must visit plants that had been closed by their owners for safety reasons.


State and local government jobs are front and center in Dems' plans for COVID-19 relief

Democratic lawmakers are seeking aid to help state and local governments retain workers and avoid layoffs in the next relief bill aimed at alleviating the economic toll that the coronavirus pandemic has had upon the U.S. economy.


Where did the ideas for shutdowns and social distancing come from?

Steve Kelman offers another story about hero civil servants (and a good president).


GOP lawmakers seek limits on foreign TSP investments

A House bill lands as a veterans group steps up efforts to lobby the military and the White House against investment in Chinese defense firms.


IRS recalls certain mission-critical employees for tax season

The tax agency is putting distancing measures into place and requiring employees to wear face coverings on the job.


Connolly: Pandemic response hindered by administration telework rollbacks

The Trump administration's response to keep the federal government operational during the COVID-19 pandemic was hindered by early decisions to roll back telework programs, according to Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), the chairman of the Government Operations subcommittee of the House Oversight Committee.


AFGE assails Trump's plan to go back to work

Union asks OPM and OMB to abide by six conditions before telling federal workers to go back to the office


Pentagon plans to test all troops for COVID-19

Gen. John Hyten, vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said testing the entire force, including National Guard and Reserves, would take until summertime.


SSA judges sue Impasses Panel

The Association of Administrative Law Judges has become the second federal sector union to sue the Federal Service Impasses Panel.


VA tech system freezes out workers, union complains

A Philadelphia AFGE local alleges that stress on the VA system has led workers to risk reprimand for working off-hours and that the Veterans Benefits Administration won't share contingency plans with employees.


White House lays out plans to open agencies, move off telework

In a new document, the federal government explains plans to align a reopening of all federal agency functions and a return to in-person work with national guidelines promulgated by the White House and health officials on bringing back a state of normalcy when a decline in the COVID-19 pandemic occurs.


Why right now is the most challenging time in history for government CIOs

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented CIOs at all levels of government with unprecedented challenges to respond to the critical needs of the country.


VA medical staff push for more PPE, agency bill of rights

As more patients and staffers contract coronavirus infections, employees are seeking more personal protective equipment, collaboration with management and hazard pay.


AFGE denounces budget targets in GOP defense bill

The American Federation of Government Employees issued a letter April 16 to Congress opposing parts of the proposed Expanding Acquisition Reform Act, which seeks to formalize DOD's zero-based budgeting process.


The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity to transform the federal workforce

The forced social experiment brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic is compelling the federal government to adapt culturally and technologically at a rapid pace.