Emerging Tech

Why Trump Wants to Go to the Moon So Badly

The administration has vowed to return Americans to the lunar surface in 2024 “by any means necessary.”

Digital Government

DEA Never Checked If Its Massive Surveillance Operations Are Legal, Watchdog Says

The administration “failed to conduct a comprehensive legal analysis” of three NSA-style bulk data collection programs, according to the Justice Department Inspector General.


HUD Sues Facebook For Violating Fair Housing Rules With Targeted Ads

Facebook’s ad system allowed companies to target users based on a number of protected classes, including race, sex, nationality and general interests.


How NARA’s Helping Agencies on the Path to a Fully Electronic Government

Officials are developing ways for agencies to measure their efforts to achieve fully digital records management by the December deadline.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon is ‘Absolutely Unapologetic’ About Pursuing AI-Powered Weapons

The controversy surrounding military artificial intelligence is rooted in “grave misperceptions” about what the department is actually trying to do, according to current and former Defense officials.

Digital Government

Trump's Top Budget Official Defends 2020 Pay Freeze to Congress

OMB chief pledges to work with agencies to develop performance and mission-based pay plans.

Digital Government

Empowering Regulators Could Stop the Next Equifax Breach, Watchdog Says

Giving the regulatory agencies more power to punish companies after breaches could make industry invest more in cybersecurity, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Management, Not Money, Will Make or Break VA Modernization, Lawmakers Say

“We are no longer on the cusp of transformation, we are in the middle of it,” Secretary Robert Wilkie told senators.


Contractors and Advocacy Groups Push Back on State Efforts to Mandate Surveillance Software

State legislation pushed by one company to require contractors to install the software would compromise data privacy and carry steep costs for companies and governments, the groups argue.

Digital Government

OMB is Dropping the Ball on DATA Act Management, Watchdog Says

The office lacks a formal process for revising data standards, and it doesn’t clearly tell agencies when changes are made, the Government Accountability Office found.


Heartland Cities Are Stuck. Washington Can Help Them.

In an unprecedented era of winner-take-all urbanism, left-behind cities need federal help.

Digital Government

White House Issues New Guidance on Category Management

Obama-era move toward pooled agency purchasing is updated to reduce duplication.

Digital Government

OPM Looks to Expand Pilot Programs That Teach Federal Employees New Skills

New pay study will be "additive," not replace existing compensation comparison efforts, acting director says.

Digital Government

Senators Question DOJ’s Surveillance of Americans’ Cell Phone Location Records

Lawmakers want the attorney general to explain how the collection of cellular location data has changed following a recent SCOTUS decision.

Digital Government

White House to Nominate Michael Kratsios as U.S. CTO

Kratsios, who currently serves as the country’s deputy chief technology officer, will be the first person to hold the title since the Obama administration.


How the Energy Department is Prioritizing Secure Infrastructure

The budding Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response aims to deflect cyber, manmade and natural security hazards.