
Congress Wrestles with Shutdown Deadline and Data Breach Drama

Lawmakers also introduced a bill to curb revenge porn.


Government Sued Over Tattoo Recognition Technology

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that the program curtails First Amendment right to freedom of expression.


Policy Opens the Door for Smartphone Use in Classified Settings

Mobile devices will still be banned from facilities where highly classified information is shared.


GAO Asks: Exactly How Does CYBERCOM Help After Cyberattacks?

The Pentagon failed to describe how it’s training to support civil authorities when a major cyber strike comes, the watchdog agency said.


The Pluses and Perils of Trump's Cyber Strategy

Continuity on most cyber policies masks a growing erosion of global cyber norms.


FTC Ready to Police Internet If FCC Repeals Net Neutrality Rules

The Federal Trade Commission has a long-established role in preserving online competition, Acting Chairwoman Maureen Ohlhausen said.


A Supreme Court Case This Week Could Change US Digital Privacy Standards

Your smartphone is leaving a trail of digital breadcrumbs that the government can follow.


Network Neutrality Can't Fix the Internet

The FCC is poised to dismantle common carriage for broadband and wireless providers. That’s bad, but the internet itself is worse.


IG Cites Homeland Security for Abusing Its Power, Blocking Negative Report

One audit finds Trump administration violated court orders when enforcing its initial travel ban.


GAO: Federal CIO Shirking Oversight Responsibilities On Critical Projects

The lack of CIO involvement in major projects could allow them to slide off the rails, GAO says.


FCC Chairman: Government Will Stop ‘Micromanaging the Internet’

Chairman Ajit Pai unveiled the commission’s plan to roll back net neutrality regulations put in place during the Obama administration.


House Democrats Put $400 Million Price Tag on Election Security

State and local governments need money, not words, to shore up security, a panel of House Democrats said.


Continuing Resolution on Congress' Post-Holiday To-Do List

Congress moved along IT modernization and defense authorization bills but still faces funding the government.


Agencies a Step Closer to Open Data, Chief Data Officers

The OPEN Government Data Act, tucked inside the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act, passed the House.


IT Modernization Bill Heads to President

Congress passes the Modernizing Government Technology Act as part of the defense authorization bill.


Lawmakers to Agencies on FITARA: Get It Together

A House oversight committee pushed IT leaders to set more ambitious upgrade goals after its fifth assessment of federal agencies’ technology.


Bill to Restore State Department Cyber Office Advances

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson shuttered the office in September.


White House Discloses Rules on Weaponizing Software Vulnerabilities

The administration will publish an annual report on how it decides whether to hoard or disclose newfound cyber vulnerabilities.


Sessions: Surveillance Reform Could Be 'Exceedingly Damaging' to National Security

Getting a warrant before searching through information collected under Section 702 authorities would be burdensome, the attorney general told lawmakers.