
DHS' Jeanette Manfra Turns Her Focus to the 'Ecosystem' of Government Networks

Collaboration and modernization, Manfra believes, are the keys to preserving the internet in the face of attack.


White House Maps Out Vision for IT Modernization Centers of Excellence

The centers, within the General Services Administration, will begin staffing up this month to start work with the Agriculture Department.


HHS Sets Its Sights on IT Modernization

CIO Beth Killoran focuses on infrastructure improvements and shared services in 2018.


New SEC Cyber Unit Hunts for Fraudsters

The unit, which launched in September, uses a combination of technology and old-fashioned sleuthing to sniff out fraud.


Culture Change Sits at the Heart of Successful Cloud Deployments

If agencies want to roll out cloud environments smoothly they need to change how they approach the technology, an SEC official says.


Feds Covet Modern Collaboration Tools, Survey Says

Federal workers say they want to use more current IT solutions but are held back by legacy infrastructure and limited budgets.


Want Secure Cloud Deployments? GSA's Cloud.gov Leader Offers Best Practices

There are several technical steps agencies can take to enhance the security of their cloud environments.


DHS, Commerce Department Identify How to Respond to Botnets

The report calls on agencies to boost Internet of Things security and find ways to guard against federal networks being used in distributed denial of service attacks.


What's on the GSA's Busy 2018 IT Agenda?

From IT Modernization to network upgrades, the General Services Administration has a lot on its plate this year.


IT Leaders Push for More Gender Diversity in Federal Tech Hiring

While more women are now involved in science and technology positions than they were in the past, more work needs to be done to diversify the workforce.


Treasury, GSA See the Benefits of Blockchain

More agencies are dabbling in the distributed ledger technology to make operations, accounting and supply chains more efficient and secure.


Where Is AI Adoption Headed in Federal IT?

Artificial intelligence is likely going to creep further into agencies in 2018, and Congress is considering ways to regulate it.


How the Cloud Helps FEMA Scale and Improve Disaster Response

Cloud infrastructure has helped the emergency management agency deliver services more efficiently.


How DHS Protects Federal Networks by Breaking into Them

The Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity Assessments and Technical Services team is beefing up its role in securing federal IT and critical infrastructure.


New DOD Mobile Policy Aims to Boost Office Productivity

The recently signed directive could allow the use of mobile devices in more secure working environments.


Can DIUx Spark Acquisition Reform at the Pentagon?

The Defense Department’s Defense Innovation Unit Experimental could serve as a model for getting experimental technological capabilities into the field.


What Items Are on Feds’ 2018 IT To-Do Lists?

Here’s a sampling of what to expect in 2018, including how cybersecurity will evolve and how agencies will build on cloud migrations.


Why the Network Must Lead the IT Modernization Charge

The shift to cloud architectures won’t go very far if agencies don’t upgrade their networks.


4 Strategies for Better Multicloud Management

These tips can help agencies secure their increasingly complex cloud environments.


Agencies Need a New Cybersecurity Approach Following Breaches

If agencies take a proactive approach to security they can detect threats faster, respond more quickly and better mitigate the effects of attacks.