
ELC 2017: Feds Urge More Sharing and Collaboration to Improve Tech

Agencies should embrace shared services and more efficient IT procurement methods to upgrade technology and save money, officials say.


What Feds Can Learn from the Cyberattacks in France

Deception technology can help agencies thwart breaches and catch attackers before they cover their tracks.


The Tools the Government Uses to Keep Its IT Evergreen

With Windows 10 and Software as a Service, feds work to keep their systems perpetually up to date.


DOD Embraces Tablets to Engage Users and Drive Efficiencies

The Navy, Air Force and Marines use tablets to improve training for recruits, reduce the usage of paper forms and even keep soldiers safe on the battlefield.


The Race Is On to Protect Feds' Laptops and Mobile Devices

Endpoint protection is a priority for security professionals who need to lock down agencies' devices.


Even the Most Tight-Lipped Agencies Need Wi-Fi

Wireless networking is popping up in a place employees never expected to find it: federal buildings.


Windows 10 Can Give the Coast Guard a Virtualized Future

The service branch thinks it can enhance its cybersecurity posture via virtual desktop infrastructure.


DOD, HHS Recommend Collaboration with Industry to Fight Ransomware

Information sharing on cybersecurity threats can help agencies stay ahead of malicious actors, officials argue.


Why Intelligence Agencies Are So Interested in AI

Artificial intelligence technologies enhance analysts’ capabilities, but there will always be a need for the human element.


When Your Employees Leave, Make Sure Your Agency Is Still Safe

Agencies need to take concrete steps to deprovision users’ security credentials when they should no longer have access to agency networks and systems.


Technology Improves Care Options for Veterans

Telehealth and predictive analytics are among the tools being deployed more strategically by the VA, Secretary David Shulkin says.


How EIS Will Spur Federal IT Modernization

The Trump administration has signaled that the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions network modernization contract can help smaller agencies leverage the government’s buying power.


SBA Tackles Tech Upgrades with Multi-Pronged Approach

Under Maria Roat, the Small Business Administration has pushed ahead with cloud migrations as well as software and network upgrades.


How DHS Tries to Slow the Rise of Phishing Attacks

The number of agency employees who click on potentially malicious links has dropped.


Make the Most of Group Messaging Apps

Agencies can get more from enterprise social software if leaders manage security and think about integration ahead of time.


IoT Tech Sends Agencies a Beacon from the Future

New Internet of Things beacon technology might be a more resilient and more accurate way for federal agencies to help track users’ location.


DHS Highlights the Importance of Cybersecurity in October

The Trump administration has emphasized cybersecurity, and the Department of Homeland Security is using National Cyber Security Awareness Month to remind citizens of its significance.


3 Agency Must-Have Technologies for Ransomware Defense

Feds can turn to endpoint protection, patch management, whitelisting to stay free of malware.


3 Tips for a Smooth Data Loss Prevention Rollout

Data loss prevention technology can help agencies block insider threats with the right approach.