
Virtual Reality Helps FEMA, VA Bring Their Missions to Life

Agencies can enhance therapy and training with VR due to increased availability and lower price points.


What Is a DMZ Network and How Can It Improve Your Security?

A DMZ can help federal IT officials segregate network data while also allowing them to share data with the public.


What Is the Future of IT Purchasing? Less Hardware, More Services

By reducing hardware purchases and focusing on cloud solutions, federal agencies are able to reinvest time and money into their core mission.


The Congressman at the Forefront of Federal IT Modernization

Rep. Will Hurd says the debate about using the cloud is over and further modernization should begin.


Feds Prepare for Cyberattacks — and What Happens After

Cyberthreats are inevitable, and agencies want to have a comprehensive plan of attack for the days and hours after.


Trump’s Cyber Order Will Push Accountability, Tools That Solve Actual Security Challenges

Federal officials say that the administration’s cybersecurity push will get agency leaders involved and introduce new measures of responsibility.


VA Makes Progress on Improving Cybersecurity, but More Work Lies Ahead

The Veterans Affairs Department still has material weaknesses in its IT security, but has improved on several fronts, according to an inspector general’s report.


Agriculture Department Uses Hybrid IT Model to Speed Field Data Processing

The USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service has embraced hybrid IT but is focused less on the technology and more on how it can help farmers and internal stakeholders.


How to Boost Cybersecurity via the Acquisition Process

To keep pace with cyberthreats, national security and defense agencies need to streamline their technology acquisitions.


The Wireless Tech Needed to Make FirstNet’s Public-Safety Network a Success

Initially, the broadband network for first responders will use traditional networking gear, but SDN and AI could enhance it in the future.


DOD, DISA Enable Warfighters to Access Classified Networks in the Field

The Pentagon and its IT services arm want to make secure mobility a key focus going forward.


GSA to Award $50 Billion EIS Next-Gen Networking Contract Within Weeks

The Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract will enable a shift to cloud-based and converged network architectures, a GSA official says.


How to Know When It’s Time to Move to the Cloud

Agencies want to boost efficiency and cut costs, but what should they consider before migrating workloads to the cloud?


How Cybersecurity Could Change Under Trump

Experts agree agencies will need greater accountability and increased collaboration to succeed in a threatened environment.


Why Agencies Need to Protect Their Endpoints, and Not Just Their Networks

As agencies deploy more mobile devices, their users out in the field and away from their desks become targets for hackers and cybercriminals.


HHS Officials Say WannaCry Cybersecurity Response Shows Value of HCCIC

Senators questioned whether the Department of Health and Human Services’ cyber command center is duplicating DHS efforts.


4 Ways to Prevent Leaks via USB Devices

Reality Leigh Winner, a former National Security Agency contractor, allegedly used a flash drive to download classified information. Here’s how to stop that from happening at your agency.


White House: Cybersecurity Requires Risk Management, Agency Accountability

Rob Joyce, the Trump administration’s cybersecurity coordinator, calls on agencies to flag outdated systems and modernize networks.