
OPM Urges Creation of Secure and Modern NBIB to Handle Background Investigations

Outgoing OPM Director Beth Cobert says the agency will benefit from an IT partnership with DOD.


DHS Makes Progress on Improving Information System Security

The inspector general’s report recommends the agency take additional steps, such as accelerating the use of personal identity verification cards for all privileged access account holders.


Which Federal CIOs Are Sticking Around in the Trump Administration?

As the federal IT leadership changes amid the transition to a new administration, there is hope that career civil servants will maintain stability while new CIOs are brought in.


Is President Trump Still Using an Unsecured Smartphone Or an Encrypted Device?

Security experts have warned that using a commercial smartphone without extra protections could entail major cybersecurity risks.


Getting More Women into Federal IT Requires Recruitment and Mentoring

A panel of top female federal IT officials thinks that the federal government needs to do more to bring women into IT positions.


What Is the Obama Administration’s Technology Legacy?

The administration pushed aggressively on cloud adoption, data center optimization and IT modernization, but the OPM breaches were a setback that spotlighted cybersecurity.


3 Big Predictions for Government IT in 2017

Revamped acquisition processes, a preference for trusted platforms over certifications and better network intelligence will help government agencies continue their digital transformations.


Air Force Launches Its Own Digital Service to Troubleshoot Software Issues

The new outfit builds on the Pentagon’s Defense Digital Service model and follows a similar announcement in December from the Army.


FedRAMP Vows More Cloud Choices, Speedier Approvals, More Outreach in 2017

This year the GSA’s cloud authorization program has vowed to continue improvements and forge ahead with the transformation it kicked off in 2016.


Federal IoT Apps Can Enhance Security, Increase Efficiency and Improve Data Collection

Emerging Internet of Things applications range widely, from utility savings to military reconnaissance.


How Automation Can Help Agencies Thwart Today’s Cyber Adversaries

Agencies need to be more efficient about cybersecurity, because every lost minute can make the difference between a successful attack and an unsuccessful one.


As Feds Grapple with Legacy IT, Cybersecurity Remains a Paramount Concern

Keeping IT systems secure with up-to-date patches and hiring cybersecurity personnel are critical for agencies as they deal with aging technology.


Army’s Cloud Pilot Lays the Foundation for Data Center Consolidation

The Army aims to work with IBM on a cloud trial at the Redstone Arsenal facility in Alabama to improve its efficiency and serve as a test case for shuttering data centers.


GSA Pushes for a New Wave of Collaboration Tools for Agencies

The agency wants input on a range of tools for productivity and communication that can be both interoperable and secure.


How Will Federal IT Modernization Take Shape in 2017?

Congress is likely going to revive efforts to help government agencies use savings to update legacy technology systems.


The 4 Biggest Trends in Federal IT in 2016

There were several major developments in federal technology this year, including IT modernization, data center optimization, efforts to move to the cloud, and, of course, cybersecurity.


Feds Frustrated by Slow Application Performance, Survey Says

As federal networks have grown more complicated, certain apps, such as collaboration tools, have seen their operations suffer, according to a survey conducted by Riverbed Technology.


OPM, IRS Demonstrate Different Ways Forward on IT Modernization

As hope fades for congressional action this year on legislation to modernize legacy technology, agencies are displaying multiple ways to tackle the issue.


Feds Says Security, Agencies’ Mission Cannot Be Forgotten During 2017 IT Transition

As the Trump administration takes shape, the changeover should not impair how technology helps agencies meet their mission goals, federal IT leaders said at an event in Washington.