
Presidential Transition Helps Lay the Foundation for New Era of Tech Policy

The General Services Administration is helping the campaigns get ready to start working and putting new tech plans in place after the election.


FedRAMP Scores a Cloud Victory, as Microsoft Gets a Speedy Approval

The GSA’s FedRAMP Accelerated program approved the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online program for federal use in 15 weeks, six times faster than its previous authorization.


DOD Still Devising Secure Back-End IT for New Background Check Bureau

The National Background Investigations Bureau's new, secure IT architecture should be in place in the next 12-18 months, according to DOD CIO Terry Halvorsen.


How Treasury’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing Is Benefiting from the Cloud

At the BEP, mission-specific applications are being moved to the cloud following successful migrations of other apps.


NSA and OPM Turn to Behavioral Analytics to Combat Insider Threats

Agencies see data analytics of log files and user behavior as a way to guard against internal security breaches.


How the Commerce Department Sees Cybersecurity Differently

Commerce CISO Rod Turk says that segmentation of the agency’s architecture and Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation are keeping it alert in a world of cyberthreats.


DOD, Service Branches Say Cloud Migrations Will Depend on Missions, Interoperability

IT leaders at the nation’s service branches also argued that Software as a Service offerings give agencies the biggest return on investment.


Education Department Prepares for the Mobile Workforce of the Future

As it seeks to refresh a major IT contract, the department wants to ensure that it can supply technology to a workforce that will be increasingly on the go.


GSA Wants to Be One-Stop IT Modernization Shop, No Matter What Congress Does

The General Services Administration wants to lead the push to help agencies upgrade their legacy IT systems, regardless of whether Congress passes new laws to spur modernization.


The Future of Federal Cybersecurity Is in Predictive Security Intelligence

The Department of Homeland Security’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program is one tool agencies are using to get ahead of threats.


DOD Aims to Make Cybersecurity a Fundamental Part of Its Tech Mission

In addition to measuring the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures on a running scorecard, the Pentagon is looking to build security into its acquisition process from the start.


Software-Defined Data Centers Can Offer Agencies Savings, Flexibility

Federal agencies will likely turn more to SDDC in the years ahead, but must overcome several hurdles when implementing this new model.


To Make Data Centers Greener and Leaner, Feds Need to Start Planning Now

The White House’s Data Center Optimization Initiative will push federal agencies to embrace virtualization, sensors and analytics, according to an industry executive.


FedRAMP Certifies First Cloud-Based Unified Communications System

Now that Collab9’s system has been approved, federal agencies could soon have more choices as they migrate to cloud-based UC services.


The Intelligence Community Moves Toward a More Secure, Integrated Cloud Environment

While the IC’s research organization looks into adding security to cloud environments, in the here and now, intelligence agencies are sharing more data.


The Federal Government Can Use Analytics to Save Lives

Data analytics is often thought of as a wonky pursuit, but a former Department of Homeland Security official says that it can be used to improve public health in critical ways.


What Does It Take to Move Your Agency to a DevOps Model? Being Bold.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the EPA and Nuclear Regulatory Commission are among the agencies pursuing a new approach to IT.

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Addressing Security Concerns in a Growing Digital Government

Widespread tech advancements are bringing the conversation around data protection to the front of the room.


How Does Working with Legacy IT Affect Feds’ Day-to-Day Jobs?

A Dell study found that 71 percent of federal IT decision makers say their agency runs important applications on old operating systems.

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Words as the Mightiest Weapon

How powerful text analytics can be an asset for homeland security