
Patent and Trademark Office Uses Open Data to Bring Patent Info to the Masses

A small team at the USPTO built a new tool to help visualize reams of patent data and create opportunities for insight and inspiration.


Governmentwide Contracts Offer Agencies Newer Technologies at a Faster Pace

As government simplifies procurement, governmentwide acquisition contracts represent the sound choice for technology spends.


The 5 Most Amazing Technologies DARPA Helped Invent — Besides the Internet

Over the decades, the Defense Department’s research arm has been responsible for several technology breakthroughs that have reshaped our lives.


"Weaponization of Code" Represents Revolution in Cyberwarfare

The U.S. should embrace cybersecurity treaties, a former State Department official says.


Commerce, State Departments Take Steps to Combat Insider Security Threats

Data breaches caused by federal employees, either knowingly or unwittingly, are a major concern at agencies, but security controls are not enough to tackle the threat.


Why Oak Ridge and Other Agencies Have Opened Their Own App Stores

Employees want apps. Agencies want control. With iTunes-like stores, the two can find a happy medium.


The Army's Network of the Future Will Be Software-Defined

Looking ahead to the years 2025-2040, the Army chief information officer has envisioned an agile, dynamic network that relies on software and intelligence to win battles.


Addressing the Growing Need for Data Security

Endpoints have quickly become the primary targets for cybercriminals to infiltrate organizations.


Federal IT Modernizations Bring New Technology — and Security Problems

Although upgrades are necessary in many cases, if not done properly, they can increase agencies’ vulnerabilities, according to SolarWinds.


Are 3D-Printed Drones Coming Soon to the Army?

Starting in early 2017, the Army plans to begin testing how it might use 3D-printed drones on the battlefield.


The Army and Navy Use SQL Server On and Off the Battlefield

The Defense Department relies on SQL Server to manage a wide range of databases.


Tackling the Government’s Tech Worker Shortage

Richard Spires, former DHS CIO, is on a mission to help cultivate tech talent.


To Back Up Data, Federal Agencies Need to Cover All Technology Bases

As data breaches and security become more of a concern, agencies need to use the cloud and various forms of data backup.


GSA Moves to Speed Up the FedRAMP Authorization Process

FedRAMP Accelerated is designed to decrease the time it takes for government cloud service providers to get approvals to operate.


DOD Lays Out Plan to Defend Its Networks

As part of an effort to mitigate cybersecurity risks, the Defense Department’s CIO outlined priorities and a scorecard designed to ensure compliance.


Bringing SQL Server to Linux Will Open Up Options for Federal Users

Microsoft has reached out to federal agencies to test SQL Server 2016 for those using the Linux operating system.


GITEC 2016: Identity and Access Management Remain Key Cybersecurity Concerns

As federal agencies handle more data, determining who gets access to that information, and when, is more important than ever.


NSA’s SDN Push

By using software-defined networking, the National Security Agency brings simplicity to network management.


The Benefits of Visibility

Want your network to perform? It starts with a foundation of trust.