Combining FCW and Nextgov: A Note to Our Readers

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A brief word about the future of our coverage of federal technology.
From 2008 until 2021, FCW and Nextgov were direct competitors in covering the many aspects of technology and innovation in the federal government. Since FCW was acquired by GovExec in September 2021, the two publications have worked together to cover the full spectrum of federal IT: Nextgov focusing on emerging technologies and what comes next; FCW digging into procurement, policy, and the broader business of federal IT.
We’re very proud of the award-winning work both publications have produced during this partnership era, but we’ve concluded that segmenting the federal technology community in this way is not in the best interest of either our readers or our customers. Today’s most important federal missions span technology, policy, personnel, procurement and politics; our coverage must be similarly integrated and comprehensive.
So in the coming weeks, Nextgov and FCW will be merging into a single publication to serve the full federal technology community. The two editorial teams are being combined, and we’re planning an expanded range of digital and print coverage, events, video and more. And don't worry - our flagship awards program, the Federal 100, isn't going anywhere.
The name of this new publication? Nextgov/FCW.
Admittedly, that doesn’t roll off the tongue, or lend itself to the sexiest of logos. But it’s a direct reflection of what this publication will be: a true combination of the federal technology community’s two strongest brands, delivering far more than either publication currently offers on its own.
We’re excited by this move, and look forward to showing how a unified Nextgov/FCW editorial team can better serve this community. We welcome your feedback as we work toward a full integration and Nextgov/FCW’s debut.
Frank Konkel
Executive Editor, Nextgov
Adam Mazmanian
Executive Editor, FCW
Troy K. Schneider
President, GovExec 360