Emerging Tech

Federal Spending on Drones Goes Under the Sea

Of the billions it spends on unmanned vehicles, the federal government's focus is shifting from the skies to the sea.

Digital Government

This Agency Can Help Fast Track Your Tech Acquisitions

National Technical Information Service pairs federal agencies with vetted companies that meet their technology needs—and fast.


House Panel Wants Inventory of Agencies' Kaspersky Use

The Science, Space and Technology Committee is the latest to question how the government may be using the Russian anti-virus software.

Digital Government

NASA Program Makes Buying Legit IT Easier

The agency's SEWP customers can choose when buying from an authorized reseller matters to their agencies.

Emerging Tech

Federal Agencies Flirt with Blockchain

Agencies brainstormed at least 200 potential federal use cases.


U.S. Embassies are Vulnerable to Digital Snooping, Watchdogs Find

Embassies’ telecom supply chains often go through China and they aren’t fixing vulnerabilities security officers point out.

Digital Government

Border State Lawmakers Propose a 'Smart' Wall

The group wants radar technology, drones and cameras to make up big chunks of Trump's proposed border wall.


Senators OK Funding to Improve Their Own Cybersecurity

The funding bump would raise the upper chamber’s cyber protections and train senators and staff in cyber hygiene.


OPM Confirms Digital Personnel Files Offline Until End of Month

The online files will be accessible in read-only mode until then, the agency says.


New Bill Would Help Feds Victimized by Data Breaches

The bipartisan legislation would inform victims about efforts to mitigate damage and prosecute hackers.

Emerging Tech

FDA Is Looking Into Drones for Health Inspections

But how drone-collected data will figure into the agency's old school processes is still being worked out.

Digital Government

Border Walls Work in Cities, DHS Officials Tell Lawmakers

Lawmakers want a higher-tech border patrol, but a watchdog agency is concerned CBP isn't measuring how useful its technology is.

Digital Government

IRS Pilot Lets You Settle Tax Disputes From Home

The agency will test a online conferencing platform that taxpayers can use from their homes or wherever they click the link.

Digital Government

IT Modernization Gets Nod, But No Money, In House Funding Bills

Funding for a major tech upgrades push will have to wait on Senate action on a modernization bill.

Digital Government

Congress' Plan to Cut Improper Payments Will Require Investment, Lawmaker Says

Cracking down on fraud requires enterprise tools as well as personnel with technical and legal skills, Rep. Gerry Connolly said.

Digital Government

5 States Sign Up for National Public Safety Network

FirstNet is underway, but lawmakers are still concerned about cybersecurity.