Digital Government

Kaspersky: Stop Russian to Judgment on Our Products

Congress seems to approve of a proposed federal pay raise, loosening retirement fund rules and wants to get rid of agency that focuses on elections.

Digital Government

An Insider’s View of Trump’s American Technology Council Meeting

While a White House official said all the right things, Code for America Founder Jen Pahlka wanted to see more spine from tech executives.

Digital Government

Is a Cabinet-Level CIO the Future of Government I.T.?

That person would lead “a legion of people” who could support the technology needs of other agencies.


Info Request on Cyber Workforce Preparedness Coming Soon

The RFI will inform a report on whether cyber workforce training is up to snuff.

Emerging Tech

Congressional AI Caucus Wants to Separate Fact From Fiction

Rep. John Delaney, D-Md., wants to educate Congress about artificial intelligence.


NIST Cyber Advisers Anxious Over Auditing Agencies

The proposed expansion of NIST's mission comes as the agency is quickly working to meet mandates in the cybersecurity executive order.


Congressman Renews Concerns About Mar-a-Lago Cybersecurity

Rep. Ted Lieu wants to know if DHS is securing the Florida resort’s Wi-Fi when the president visits.

Emerging Tech

Nextgov Event: Tech Refresh Thursday

Rep. Robin Kelly kicks off Thursday's morning event on IT modernization.

Emerging Tech

Consumers Think The Government’s Voice Should Be Female

People would use a government version of Siri or Alexa as long as it sounded human, a new survey shows.


What's New in Apple's iOS 11?

An updated operating system always comes with a few surprises.

Digital Government

White House Office of American Innovation Lays Out Priorities

Led by Jared Kushner, the collection of White House talent has been described as a “SWAT team of internal consultants” and a liaison between federal bureaucracies and Silicon Valley innovation.


Deception: An Underrated Tool in the Fight Against Cyberattacks

As a tool, deception has a long history in warfare. In nature, deception has been in play even longer.

Emerging Tech

DOJ Asks High Court to Clarify Email Warrants Abroad

The Justice Department says it should be able to produce warrants for emails held by U.S. companies even if they’re stored abroad; tech companies disagree.

Digital Government

Lawmakers: How Many Cyber Threat Centers Does the Government Need?

Congress questions HHS' cyber threat center and other things they did under the shadow of the American Health Care Act.

Emerging Tech

Nextgov Event: The White House Office of American Innovation's Priorities

Matt Lira, special assistant to the president for innovation, will clarify the office’s role in government.