Digital Government

Connolly: Choppy waters ahead for civilian agency IT

FedRAMP, 18F and the federal workforce as a whole face uncertain futures in the next administration, according to Rep. Gerry Connolly.

Digital Government

What's next for government innovation groups?

Supporters are pressing for continuation of 18F and USDS, amid the uncertainty of tech policy in the coming Trump administration.

Digital Government

Technology Transformation Service gets a new leader

GSA announces that a former Pixar executive will take the TTS commissioner role that Phaedra Chrousos left in July.

Digital Government

18F finances in disarray, watchdog warns

A new report says 18F has lost $36 million to date, "repeatedly overestimated revenue" and pushed back its projected break-even date to 2020.

Digital Government

Snow leaves top job at 18F

Aaron Snow is stepping down as Executive Director of 18F, but plans to return as a key advisor to the incoming Technology Transformation Service commissioner.

Digital Government

18F, USDS lack performance and accountability measures

The U.S. Digital Service and 18F lack the ability to assess whether they have achieved their goals and hold themselves accountable, according to GAO.

Digital Government

GSA's Roth: TTS commissioner search is progressing

GSA Administrator Denise Roth hopes to have a "good sense" of the next Technology Transformation Service commissioner by the end of September and expects the next administration to build on digital services.

Digital Government

18F offers specs on gov-wide login

In a public notice, the innovation group 18F offered a glimpse into the data a planned governmentwide login site would collect.

Digital Government

Federal digital transformation: What's next for USDS and 18F?

The government's digital teams have provided desperately needed skills, but government is an "at-scale" enterprise that cannot afford to wait for a small cadre of specialists to make its way around to everyone.

Digital Government

Can 18F's pass FedRAMP review?

The team details its ongoing efforts to secure a provisional authority to operate.

Digital Government

GSA kicks off search for innovation chief

The search is on for a commissioner for the recently established Technology Transformation Service at the General Services Administration.

Digital Government

Clinton tech agenda bakes in innovation teams

Hillary Clinton's newly released technology agenda calls for retaining the U.S. Digital Service and other innovation groups to improve government services.

Digital Government

Chrousos to depart as head of GSA's Technology Transformation Service

Hot on the heels of a reorganization that elevated 18F to a key service inside GSA, TTS Commissioner Phaedra Chrousos is planning a July exit from the agency.

Digital Government

Lawmakers see promise in 18F and USDS, despite a few warning signs

The digital services teams could do more to align with FITARA, but overseers displayed as much optimism as scrutiny following a GAO report on the teams' work.

Digital Government

Watchdog warns on 18F's finances

Despite having plenty of satisfied customers, the government startup is losing millions of dollars each year.

Digital Government

Hackathon, policy moves designed to apply tech to foster care programs

The White House launched a two-day hackathon to develop better data tools for foster care providers and social workers and announced a host of policy initiatives to back up the effort.

Digital Government

Revamped 18F to get a contracting embed

GSA's Federal Acquisition Service plans to place acquisition experts in the new Technology Transformation Service to share knowledge on procurement strategies.

Digital Government

Britain takes digital ID out of beta as U.S. lags

The United Kingdom will go live with its governmentwide digital identity platform, GOV.UK Verify, in the coming days. The U.S. government will need a little more time.

Digital Government

Watchdog: 18F's Slack security exposed GSA data

GSA's innovation shop 18F enabled unauthorized data access by linking Slack and Google Drives with an open login standard, according to an inspector general alert.